Since my engagement designing for the Tasmeem conference I began to speculate on projects that would allow me to further explore the local visual language and to contribute to the visual culture of Qatar. Initially I began using a collection of rocks from my neighborhood to design patterns that were based on Islamic geometry. This work was exhibited in the second Faculty Show printed on silk scarves. I continued the work and expanded the visual language to include more representational images. This more representational work was exhibited in the Strange Wonders exhibition at the Msherib Company House gallery.
As a consequence of this new work I was invited by the curators to design a majilis that would be installed in the gallery functioning both as a work in the show but also as seating for visitors. This work has lead me to continue my research in this way, with an interest in showing work that is generated from a local visual language but is disseminated also outside the region.
Because of these activities I was able to have an article about my work featured in the Gulf Times, which is certainly not a widely read international periodical, but in many ways it has a more relevant impact here because it reaches a non-specialized audience in the region. For my research approach right now, this may prove to be more important and rewarding.